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Reborn & Returning: A Journey of Strength, Resilience Love, Courage and Community

Reborn & Returning: A Journey of Strength, Resilience Love, Courage and Community

Reborn & Returning: A Journey of Strength, Resilience Love, Courage and Community

In the heart of Scotland, about a year ago, I found myself amidst rolling hills, reindeers, and the delightful Hairy Coos. My name is Wendy, and I’m a successful businesswoman with a deep passion for wellness and an unwavering determination. Little did I know that this trip would forever alter my perspective on life, love, and the incredible power of community.

The Site Visit

One crisp morning, I embarked on a site visit in the picturesque Scottish Highlands. My company, The Wellness Chain, specializes in empowering women in business, wellness, and training. As I explored the rugged landscape alongside @Leigh Bacon from @WeareMEat, who had graciously taken me into the beautiful Highlands to showcase some amazing activities and venues for our client event, fate had other plans.

A Shocking Discovery

While I was engrossed in business discussions, my husband, John, had discovered a lump in his neck by our dentist a few weeks earlier and we were awaiting a diagnosis. The world blurred as we rushed to doctors, our minds racing with fear. My heart felt torn between my professional responsibilities and my husband’s health. Balancing work and worry became my daily struggle.

The Cancer Diagnosis

Numerous weeks later, the diagnosis hit like a tidal wave: fast-track cancer. John needed immediate treatment, and our life spiralled into chaos. Hospital visits, consultations, tests, and sleepless nights consumed me. Yet, I had to soldier on, determined to be there for John while maintaining my business commitments. If I crash and burned, how would John manage? It simple wasn’t an option.

The Balancing Act

I thankfully navigated it all—the hospital corridors, numerous appointments, endless chats with John making sure he was ok about our unknown and scary future, caring for my elderly mother, and safeguarding my own well-being. Thankfully, my community of business contacts, friends, and family stood by me during those moments and still the dark days. They offered shoulders to cry on, dragged us out for beach walks, came and visited us sat outside whilst we had a glass of wine, coffee and talked and they extended generous offers of help and support. At one stage, it was like every Friday we would have another lot of bad news – so with some lovely friends of ours – we met up Friday evenings for “Sh**ty Friday Drinks/Social (in social isolation style) to discuss the weeks rubbish news and try make sense of it and have a few giggles. We were so grateful for these days with friends.

During this challenging period, I have encountered several specific difficulties:

  1. Emotional Strain: Balancing my emotions was tough. The fear of losing my husband battled with my commitment to work and responsibilities.
  2. Time Management: Juggling hospital visits, consultations, and my business obligations was a constant struggle. I had to prioritize effectively.
  3. Physical Exhaustion: Sleepless nights and stress took a toll on my well-being. Finding moments to recharge was crucial.
  4. Support Network: While my community provided immense support, relying on others was difficult for someone used to being self-reliant. A lot of learnings for me which I’m pleased to say I’m winning.
  5. Uncertainty: The unpredictability of John’s health and treatment outcomes was mentally draining. I had never thought of being a widow at this stage of my life. Not knowing when that day will come and making plans for our future (however long that will be is in god’s hands) that’s a hard pill to swallow for us and many other cancer sufferers and their families.

Despite these challenges, I have learned more resilience and the power of leaning on others during tough times. 🌟

Staying positive during that challenging time required conscious effort and a few strategies:

  1. Gratitude: I focused on the things I was grateful for—the support of my community, the medical professionals, and moments of connection with John.
  2. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness helped me stay present and manage anxiety. Breathing exercises and grounding techniques were invaluable.
  3. Small Victories: Celebrating small wins, like a successful treatment session or a comforting conversation, kept my spirits up.
  4. Self-Care: Despite the chaos, I have prioritized self-care—whether it was a short walk, a warm cup of tea, or a good book or a chat or giggle with my friends.
  5. Hope: Holding onto hope and envisioning a brighter future helps me maintain a positive outlook. After all what’s life without hope! My dad (rip) always told me “Life is to be enjoyed not endured” something I’ve always lived my life by – for those that know me well they know I like to have fun 😊 It’s so important and most of us are not bringing enough of this into our lives.

Remember, it’s okay to acknowledge tough moments while still finding rays of light. 🌟

My community played an essential role in keeping me positive during these challenging days and going forth. Their unwavering support and acts of kindness lifted my spirits:

  1. Emotional Support: Friends and family listened to my fears and worries, providing a safe space to express my feelings.
  2. Practical Help: They brought meals, ran errands, and even took care of administrative tasks related to my business. I even have some lovely offers to stay overseas for a break 😊
  3. Encouragement: Their words of encouragement reminded me that I wasn’t alone in this battle.
  4. Distractions: Sometimes, a friendly chat or a shared laugh helped me momentarily forget the stress.
  5. Empathy: Knowing that others understood my struggles made a world of difference.

In essence, their compassion and presence were like rays of sunshine during the storm. ☀️ and their generosity was overwhelming. I still can’t believe the lovely offers of help I have had from friends and family and unexpectedly from my business connections. They have reached out, been dynamite and so generous with their help and offers. I thought that if I disappeared from social media I would be forgotten about, and my business would collapse.

Thankfully this is not the case, and I have been on socials a little more and as I reappear so many lovely messages from business connections, all wanting to help me through this challenge. Which as I write this blog brings tears to my eyes. Sometimes, we are so busy in our little worlds we don’t really appreciate who is around us all the time. So, ladies, some advice, open your eyes and ensure you have likeminded supportive people in your corner, we all need this in businesses and our lives. If you don’t have a wonderful business community, then I would love to invite you to join ours at

Building a strong support network is essential for navigating life’s challenges. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Cultivate Relationships: Invest time in building genuine connections with friends, family, and colleagues. Be open, empathetic, and willing to listen.
  2. Reciprocity: Offer support when others need it. A strong network is built on mutual trust and assistance.
  3. Diverse Circles: Expand beyond your immediate circle. Join clubs, attend events, and participate in community activities to meet new people.
  4. Online Communities: Engage in online forums or social media groups related to your interests. These platforms connect you with like-minded individuals.
  5. Quality Over Quantity: It’s better to have a few reliable friends than a large network of acquaintances. Focus on depth of connection.

Remember, a support network isn’t just about receiving help—it’s about being there for others too. 🌟 I’m a great believer in The Law of Attraction – never really understood this much until I set up in business in 2016 – people always just told me ‘I was lucky’ but now I know it’s not luck but my choices in life, that open doors and support me. Relationships need nurturing like seeds to blossom. Take the time to get to know your new connections. Learn what kind of connections you need in your life to support your personal and business growth.


Vulnerability is a cornerstone of building strong relationships. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we create deeper connections with others. I have always been an open book (maybe at times too much) but it helps people to get to know and understand how I tick, even at times I have felt vulnerable. Here’s how it works:

  1. Authenticity: Vulnerability involves showing our true selves—our fears, insecurities, and imperfections. When we’re authentic, others feel more comfortable doing the same.
  2. Trust: Sharing vulnerabilities builds trust. It signals that we trust the other person not to judge or exploit our weaknesses.
  3. Empathy: When we’re vulnerable, we invite empathy. Others can relate to our struggles and offer support.
  4. Intimacy: Vulnerability fosters emotional intimacy. It’s the bridge between surface-level interactions and profound connections.

Remember, being vulnerable doesn’t mean being weak—it’s a sign of strength and openness.

John’s treatment meant isolation and still does today we have to stay like this to January 2025 (15 months of treatment). If I have been in groups, then I need to self-isolate and make sure I don’t get a cold or illness. The winter was tough whilst they ramped up the treatment. Our world became a delicate dance—no crowded cafes, no delicious dinners in busy restaurants, no theatre outings, no carefree overseas holidays. Like COVID restrictions, we must shield John from infections. My resilience has grown and shone as I adapted to this new normal, finding solace in digital skills and new business and wellness knowledge acquired during these quiet evenings. It has helped distract, empower, and build me up and keep hope for the future. Being a carer is tough. Having Cancer or a serious illness is tough.

The Power of Self-Care

Amidst the chaos, I drew on all my self-care skills. I stole moments for meditation, long walks, and deep breaths. My passion for wellness extends beyond business—it’s my lifeline. I vowed to emerge from this storm stronger, both personally and professionally, like a phoenix rising from the flames.

Rebirth and Resilience

As John undergoes 15 months of tough targeted therapy, numerous hospital appointments, counselling, and support in the hope of achieving temporary remission, I have transformed. I learned to embrace vulnerability, ask for help, and find joy in small victories. The kindness of friends, family and business contacts overwhelmed me. The Wellness Chain thrives, fuelled by my newfound empathy and passion. I hope my blog posts resonate with readers, inspiring them to face adversity head-on.

Reborn & Returning:

My blog, aptly titled “Reborn & Returning,” stands as a testament to life’s messy beauty—the tears shed in hospital corridors, the laughter shared over Zoom calls, and the sunrise glimpsed through exhaustion.

As you read my words, remember that life’s challenges mold us. They shape our businesses, our relationships, and our very souls. And sometimes, in the quietest moments, we find our greatest strength.

With this in mind, I would like to add we have some Exciting News!

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

In the style of Bridgerton Dearest Reader/Listener 🎉 I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that we’re launching our Women in Business Wellness Membership very soon! 🚀✨

An exclusive access to a vibrant community of like-minded women, all passionate about business wellness and personal well-being. 🌸💼Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey, this membership is tailor-made for you.

🌿 What’s in Store?

  1. Wellness Events: Brace yourselves for fabulous wellness events—think rejuvenating sessions, empowering workshops, and inspiring guest speakers and socials/fun. 🌟
  2. Networking Galore: Connect with likeminded business owners, swap success stories, and forge meaningful relationships. 🤝🌐
  3. Business Boost: Get ready for expert insights, strategies, and resources to elevate your business game. 📈💡
  4. Self-Care Magic: Because let’s face it, boss ladies need pampering too! 🌺✨
  5. 💌 Be First in Line! Join Us Now 

Let’s build something extraordinary together! 🌟💪✨


Thank you for reading and thank you for bearing with me… this has taken me a little longer that I anticipated due to the cancer and technical skills needed!

A big thank you to those who have already reached out and I’ve yet to reply I’m working my way through and will hopefully reach you soon. Thank you so much your messages have been so lovely and supportive, and you have helped me more than you probably realise!

Up yours Cancer we are kicking cancer's butt. Johns’ treatment is going well to date, and I’ve got my mojo back and I’m coming back to help all you fabulous women in business navigate life .

A Hashtag for Hope

And so, my journey became a beacon. I share my story using hashtags like #WomenInBusiness, #WomenEmpowerment, #SelfLove, #PersonalDevelopment, #Cancer and #Networking. My words reach others in similar battles, reminding them that strength lies not in perfection but in resilience.

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